Program Overview and Tuition
At Mansfield 1st EPC Preschool, we recognize that families have busy, demanding lives. We offer a variety of classes and extended care at reasonable tuition to help your family.
Program Information:
All Preschool Programs- 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
This program is designed for our younger 3 year old children. In
these classes, there are 16 children with 2 co-teachers. This program is
great for children being introduced to a classroom setting.
$135.00 monthly
This program is a mix of older 3 year old children to age 5.
Each MWF Class enrolls 18 children with 2 co-teachers.
Our MWF curriculum is kindergarten readiness focused.
$170.00 monthly
Our 5-Day curriculum is kindergarten readiness focused. We
offer two 5-Day classes. These classes are labeled as Pre-K due to the
age of the children.
5-Day 1: Children must be 4 years old by September 30th of school
year to register for this class. This class has 18-20 children with 2 co-teachers.
5-Day 2: Children must be 5 years old by January 1st of school year to
register for this class. This class has 10 children with 1 teacher.
$210.00 monthly
Extended Care Program
This is an extended care option offered to children enrolled in
one of our Preschool programs. Extended Care is open M-F 7:30 a.m. –
8:45 a.m. and 11:45 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. A set schedule is required for
each child at the time of registration. The Preschool provides a
morning and afternoon snack and 1% white milk for lunch. Children
must pack their own lunches which must meet licensing guidelines.
More information is located in the Extended Care Parent Handbook.
Morning extended care only- $10.00 daily
Afternoon extended care only- $20.00 daily
Morning and afternoon extended care- $30.00 daily
To go with the Extended Care Program and Handbook: